Bethlehem (nativity scene) in the St. Lawrence Church

The monastery Bethlehem with hundreds of figures occupies an area of about 20 m² and is built in the side chapel of St. Anthony of Padua. It was carved by a number of prominent woodcarvers from the Šluknovsko region in 1922. The painted landscape was used in the previous Bethlehem (1897). The rocks in the Bethlehem landscape come from the stumps from the monastery garden.

In 2013 Jaroslav Blazek of Rumburk carved the figures illustrating the Escape to Egypt. The church Bethlehem has been repeatedly replaced since 2013. First, the figurines of worshipping shepherds are exposed, then, on Three Kings Day (6th of January), the figures of three Wise Men could be seen, and on Candlemas (2nd of February) the Escape to Egypt scene is exposed.